Thursday, April 1, 2010


TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 01, 2009; 10:27pm


What will make you believe, of things that are seen or things beyond the imagination, things of the miraculous and yet unexplainable?

Do you need proof?
Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

Sean McKenzie Oct 02, 2009; 06:40am

Re: Belief

Hi Gary,
I go with my intuition and experience now.


Denise Oct 02, 2009; 06:21pm

Re: Belief

I've been blessed with a wonderful faith and trust towards the Almighty, but these past few months have worn me down both physically and emotionally.

My daughter is a single mom with two young daughtetrs who cannot find a job (not too many to find in the states!) and now has been told her small check that she receves from the state is stopping. So, I have trusted and believed with all my heart that something (I have no attachment to whatever it is) will come to her; otherwise, she does not have the means to even keep her dwelling.

Know what's hard for me? My husband and I filed bankruptcy not too long ago so we canot help her. It's SOOOO hard. I want to trust that everything will be alright, but it is SO hard to believe that things will fall together.

Does anyone have words of wisdom for me?

Blessings, Denisse

Quiplet Oct 03, 2009; 02:48pm

Re: Belief

Depending upon her skills, she may be able to apply for a federal position, or a state/local job. Being a mother of two children, I doubt she has a lot of time for volunteerism, but that not only is good for the Spirit, it is also a great way to gain experience and network with established non-profit or for-profit businesses. And the resume shines brightly with a volunteer position listed.

Also, there are often internship jobs available for those who are willing to receive a small compensation for a greater reward down the road. At any rate, this will be a challenge. Best of Belief!

    Quiplet Oct 03, 2009; 02:57pm

    Re: Belief

    In reply to this post by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo
    I have a great imagination and have enjoyed daydreaming which has given me insight - so do I need proof? Well, my dear, that depends upon what you mean. If you are talking about psychic abilities I need no proof from you. If you are speaking of clouds turning into cotton candy, I'll need some sugar, Honey

    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 03, 2009; 03:22pm

    Re: Belief

    Sugar and Honey,

    Your words of advice are straight on, but what more needs to be said? The economy is taking a real nose dive as the result of negative forces and this will be the beginning. There are many people who will suffer. The only way to work our way out of this problem is to become workers with the Earth, instead of against the Earth. We need to pull together and the answer is not in giving but in teaching, (for the belief that many have is that they require money to survive,) what they need is love and to work with family together as one unit. We have practiced separation instead of inclusion. Our society has failed the individuals greatly.

    There are many aspects of how our lives need others, and to think this coming from me the one shunned by family and despised by many. Yet I have won many hearts and have many friends who know that I am not about hurting people but warning and protecting people from the hurt that they will cause to their own person, family and neighbors. The result of building and putting faith into that which is false. Money is false as money has no power like that of GOD so Money while currently very powerful is a false power, the real power exists in the proper use of money for good. Beliefs in false practices also have the same power as money.

    I could expand my thoughts greatly, but this is enough to consider for now, maybe others can join in and this will be a seed thought, a catalyst or crystalline moment... ?

    Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 03, 2009; 03:30pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
Hi Denise,

I just made a comment or post including thoughts for you to ponder.

Can you see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is the light of day not a train coming through? For if you do you will find that the answer is in you and your husband working together with your children and grandchildren.

You have not given me anything to say what you are doing is right or wrong, I'm just saying that as a family unit you all have to pull together, jobs are not easy to find, this will be the trend for quite a long time as the negative energy flows and prevents our community to grow.

How do we stop the negative energy?

Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

FoxInTheSpace Oct 03, 2009; 11:34pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
I have a friend who encourages me to use the power of positive belief constantly. I do believe that it can work, but there are some things that I'm not sure it can work with. He believes that it can work for everything and it seems to for him... Anyway, when I was looking for a job during the summer he told me the story of how he turned his guitar teaching business into a successful one.

During the first few months that he started teaching hardly ANYONE called for lessons. Then he read some thing or listened to some tape on the power of positive thought and so he figured he would give it a try. During the first month not too much changed because he was just starting and he didn't completely believe it. Then he started believing that 5 new people would call for lessons every day and then that second month at least 5 people called every day for lessons (of course I'm sure he worked on advertising a bunch too), but they wouldn't sign up. So then he started believing that 5 new people would call every day AND sign up! And sure enough during that third month his schedule was completely booked and it's been that way ever since.

So I took the same approach. I figured, "why not?!" I know the power that belief has when other people believe things so why not believe and then see what happens? So I did. I didn't believe I could get a job during the summer because in august I was going on three vacations in a row and I didn't think anyone would want to hire me since I would need three weeks off immediately haha. But I believed that when I got back I would get a job. Three days after I got back I found a place that was hiring (which had been a problem the whole summer!) and then two days later I got the job. Belief that a job offer will come this week or next week could actually influence it to happen. Who knows?!

It is the times of great discomfort that can teach us the most valuable lessons. Spirit is constantly overflowing within you and all around you. Breathe deep and with awareness and you will find that you had the strength and grace to carry on all along. =)


Quiplet Oct 04, 2009; 02:24am

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo
Thought you might like to see this: Science of Premonition - Dr. Dossey. Link backwards on this website to many free interesting video interviews Dr. Dossey video interview about Premonitions Huffington Post

Sean McKenzie Oct 04, 2009; 07:43am

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
Hi Denise,

I am trying not to think too much ...

You know, we can experience one disappointment and anxiety ridden threat after another - month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Some people have bad days but I have had bad decades. :O)

This is the thing: At some point after being traumatized again and again, we realize radical detachment. Within us is a deep and vast calm just about no matter what.

When we look at Jesus or Buddha, we see they had difficulties but some well known people make many other people feel that if they have difficulties it is because something is wrong with them or they are doing something wrong or they can do this or that and things will change.

In essence, we don't have much control if any over the government or society. We only have the chance to realize our internal goodness.

Looking at you and your husband, I see two such Beautiful people! Thank youfor allowing me to witness two very beautiful spiritual beings!


TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 04, 2009; 01:32pm

Re: Belief

I like how you put that Sean,

Just be and let the world come to you...

Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 04, 2009; 01:40pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Quiplet
Quiplet that is a wonderful link, I listened to a small portion of the story, and found it very revealing quite interesting and I am sad that I can't listen to the whole documentary.


Good stuff... :)
Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two Paths

Which Path are you on?

One path leads to--->

Life...The other leads to--->Death

One path is...

True...The other is a........... Lie

One path...

Builds Up.......................Tears Down
Gives..................|............Takes Away

The Power of Love is to Live Rich

Is the framework Solid and True?

Justice = Zero or No Evil which is Good

The Burden is light and the light exposes the darkness

The weight of the world is Abuse

Abuse is to force someone to carry a heavy burden or heart

Abuse is to violate the innocent

Which Path do you choose to follow?
Which path brings about healing?

The voice of GOD to Christians

Now that they have sufficiently revealed that they can not fathom a progression to theirs or any religion, and insist that the same ole' is good for everyone then I assume that they will follow their fundamental view to their death.

Suicide is not painless emotional harm hurts as much or sometimes more than physical harm and produces physical harm. Yet they refuse to see the harm that the Christian religion causes as they call good bad and bad good.

For what am I?

Who has the power To see the progression
To be creative To structure
To reveal To stand
Truth By GOD

I asked them to show us the face of their GOD,
I asked to see the face of the Devil or Satan,

They revealed that Progressive Christians have nothing, in fact they have revealed nothing except that a sinner should die. Should I follow the beliefs of them where all sinners should die and that would violate my pure and holy nature, they prove that they know me not!

They have missed the Mark and have refused to appropriately explain the errors that exist.

The Elite are not the Children of GOD who have secured GOD's blessings. Not all of the poor are cursed by GOD. We could end poverty and this has not yet been addressed and why it is important.

How can we end poverty?

How can we hold others accountable?

What are the tools used to make sure that the truth is being told?

We do have the power to cure and heal a lot of the problems in our society, if only?

The focus should be on the teachings, those teachings that help others and lead to life for all and reflect perfect justice.

The government shall be upon their heads, because the leadership is in charge of having the responsibility to make sure that an injustice is not taking root. An injustice built upon lies.

The Church is a source of a curse,

The word of GOD is in the Bible but the Bible is not the complete inerrant word and work of GOD!

The Word of GOD exists, as we exist, we know!

Follow the Truth and be set free,

Know Love,



For Peace and Blessings,



Saturday, January 2, 2010

Purecurosity you don't want to be saved looking like this.

1/1/2010 3:54:35 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 1,000 Posts (1,021)
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Somehow I'm not surprised in the least.

1/1/2010 3:58:06 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 2,000 Posts (2,632)
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P'raps turnabout is fairplay?

1/1/2010 4:55:16 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 1,000 Posts (1,058)
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First off the topic is about finding an unbiased view, has the OP actually engaged any of what I have written?

The conversation had gone off track and I apologized to the OP for also being part of that diversion even though it is quite humorous.

As for getting back on topic why not if the OP wants to share more than what has already been shared I'm here to write back and forth.

Of course, if you're looking to start the new year off on the wrong foot, and you want to be that way, then have it your way.

I don't like fighting for I'm a lover and you know there isn't any one of us that likes being cornered.

The title of the forum is called Religion, we all have our beliefs, and I am the bridge between those beliefs. I'm exceptional.

You want something different?

1/1/2010 5:00:11 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 2,000 Posts (2,632)
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Quote from tgwb_gary:
First off the topic is about finding an unbiased view, has the OP actually engaged any of what I have written?

Why would he? It has no relation to what he started the thread about, lol..

Of course, if you're looking to start the new year off on the wrong foot, and you want to be that way, then have it your way.

Are you referring to me here?

The title of the forum is called Religion, we all have our beliefs, and I am the bridge between those beliefs. I'm exceptional.


Grandiose, tangential, ideas of reference, persecutory delusions.. it's all adding up gary and it aint pretty!

1/1/2010 5:01:01 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 1,000 Posts (1,021)
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That's binary. It means "1101001".

1/1/2010 5:02:33 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 2,000 Posts (3,036)
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Grandiose, tangential, ideas of reference, persecutory delusions.. it's all adding up gary and it aint pretty!

You got that right Shakti.

Yea, so much narcissim before breakfast is hard on the appetite.

[Edited 1/1/2010 5:03:10 AM PST]

1/1/2010 5:05:44 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

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Always remember- you are a beautiful and unique snowflake. Just like everyone else.

1/1/2010 5:56:00 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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well,I think hiricus this thread has become biased by the same athiest/ crowd,look into it.But if you must,answer to them.I will help you out if you like,to call admistration.

1/1/2010 6:09:30 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

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Good Morning and Happy New Year to all...... ~

Quote from hircinus:
I've been gone for a while, I do have a life outside this place ya know. But anyways, I don't know where to start when it comes to responding to people's comments.

I can understand your much/so little has been said here in terms of reflection on your original post.

I seem to see semantics everywhere. All leading to the same question. I blame the responses, not the idea of the thread. I actually thought there was some integrity to the idea of this thread, but apparently a lot of people in here beg to differ.

Not necessarily...combining thoughts on one own beliefs with that of another in an attempt to find a medium must start from somewhere.

The point was that I found a little clarity in the idea of religion from just stepping away from either believing or not believing. Not that this is a permanent way to look at things, but I honestly look at it as the most unbiased way to look at everything before getting into anything. How can not believing or believing be considered biased when you have no beliefs getting in your way?

This is near impossible.....considering that we on a mortal realm here, are born into a clan filled with beliefs. From the very beginning we come into this odd world forming our own 'I will be fed warm milk from my mother, whom loves me and cares for me' That is the beginning of forming a solid foundation through values, morals we grow in our own ideas and beliefs of worldly matters.

Asking someone to step away from there beliefs is like asking them to abandon their own families.....which come to think of it, is the problem when people gravitate towards those who facilitate a commune or lead a congregation..they are looking for family; are they not?

There is no opinion attached to it, it's a fresh start. For me that is, but whatever. If you're content with what you believe, then to hell with this thread. It was unnecessary apparently and nobody should have even bothered posting in it.

No need to abandon this thread....whether you are here to monitor it or not, I would expect considering that this IS indeed an adult site that as adults we should be able to monitor ourselves.

You have laid the foundation of your ideas........let the idea evolve in the manner it was intended for.

1/1/2010 6:23:55 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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Hicicus.Lets cut to the chase.Ok! You need to see whaats going on.The people that are complaining,have a bad wrap on their own threads.Check it out for yourself.
Read:lives of rivers posts,to see what chaos asha/xashas causes.And look at her thread and see how many people she causes problems with.And garys thread on muslims.So,you need to check things out.They are probalby trying to get your thread canceled.

1/1/2010 6:28:47 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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I do think this is a goog thread,but there are those I mentiomed who will try to ruin it.Meaning they want your popularity which they lack know.Just want to mention that.

1/2/2010 6:05:19 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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First of all on topic: Xashas,what is it you are seeking to know about religion?I am not and others have mentioned that they are not able to follow your interpretations and philosophy.You are constantly questiong things about religion,scripture etc. On your thread you go around in circles and keep repeating yourself.Eventhough the answer is right in front of you.You sound signed with Gods fallen/angel satan.Kinda like the devils advocate that upholds the wrong side,as for arguments sake!

1/2/2010 6:53:45 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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Xashax,I blocked you.So of course it's no fun for you.You have no control here.Hey,what happened to your thread,whats missing in the bible,Oh,thats the one where you made so many enemies.You are delisional about braintunnel,deepriverman,subgry ...etc.
Your mind is so twisted.

Xashas,since you got off topic when you pleased and mentioned it.I think this one is going to bite you in the azz.On the thread,is Jesus the son of God.Woodsmamma your sidekick/spy said,"Pure,I blocked deepriverman and I can't understand why I can't read your posts Purecurosity."So,she thinks I am deepriverman.Well,today I unblocked her,so now she can read my posts.

Sageway,I am glad to be of help to get you unblocked with asha/xashas.I guess that is the only way she could read my posts.Gary was to scared to quote,because he didn't want to ruffle her feathers.

[Edited 1/2/2010 7:04:54 AM PST]

1/2/2010 7:12:45 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply
Austin, TX
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Hicicus,I do have my own religious beliefs.It's interesting how nonbelievers and not sure believers and believers mesh! And to see what direction their perspectives go.I like this thread and I think it keeps itself in check.I guess a thread has to start somewhere and evolve.This thread is unique in it's content.

On topic,maybe someone can propose what their religious direction is and why?And,what direction they seek their towards religion?

Page: 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
1/2/2010 9:24:59 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply edit

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And now you gloat and crow you are happy because I am now blocked and lowered to your level? I won't seek to grovel in the mud with people that intentionally cause pain and harm to others.

A friend of a friend is not a good place to be. Just so you know...

The masters of our world are now helpless it is up to us to help ourselves and what I see is the whole picture because all of the other posts have been removed. The picture is not good, you need to rise above your Ego 'A' Your world prevents me from seeing my beautiful tree.

You didn't understand that did you?

Living in the dessert must be harsh. There is no umbrella to protect you from the rays of the sun.

I really do wish you luck in your search for love,

You certainly can't say that I don't know what I am looking for, and since I found it I'm willing to do anything that is moral to keep it.

If you can't make friends with my friends and get me unblocked then I will have to block you so that I can once again be restored if that is at all possible.

Maybe you don't know how much I really cared.

I risked this getting blocked to reach out to you to give you some help. In return look at what you have written about the one that I love.

How did that make her feel? Do you like dividing people and being in the middle? You know you were warned, I tried to show you this and you didn't follow. Why?

Why did you have to be such a bully? I didn't send you another friends request after unblocking you and you never said you were sorry. Yet here I am reaching out to you again to become more respectful of other people and their beliefs.

I didn't twist the words you wrote like other people have a way of twisting my words.

Note to OP: Hicirus, I really do apologize for this drama on your thread I guess it is needed for some people to grow. Like holding a mirror up for them to see with as they look at their own reflections and see all of the incarnate souls that are just like the one they see.

I would close with this last thought, imagine what it would be like to be married to such a person?

I wish I got paid for all of the help that I offer. I'd be sitting fat on collecting for the services that 'A' alone needs.

I think someone needs to find the debugging tool for her... Do we have any brain programmers in the forum? I think I'm too personally invested to be of any good help here. 'A' you need to show me and my friend a lot more respect. I won't call you an enemy but I will call you block worthy, just like my ex-wife. Until she can say to me she is sorry for the harm she caused we really don't have anything more to discuss. I can forgive, but not if the other person is not willing to come to the table and give a heartfelt apology to all of us who have been so hurt. 'A' you didn't just hurt other people specifically you set out to hurt Asha. You did and that is despicable. Every bit of her popularity has been hard earned, I know because I fight for every post I make, and I don't use two or three words. I use pages, and I've posted many pages of information and I've got a lot more to offer. But I can't share with anyone if they are going to block me because of the likes of you.

There are two worlds,

Their world

Your world

Both are realities and both could be joined if you were really serious about being who you say you are. I agree with them, you have not shown yourself to be trustworthy. You don't own your own mistakes. For that reason you are Block worthy.

Do you have something to add? Losing friendships is not fun, you have a way of making people laugh, with you and not just at you. You could harness that energy and make things better. Maybe and maybe not? Just consider this, if I have to choose between you and your friendship and Asha and the world that Asha lives in, do you think there is much of a choice for me there? Have you checked out my threads that I started? I don't and haven't hidden my focus, even you pointed that out.

I didn't re-block you even after you shared my private messages, what does that say about me?

You on the other hand have done many things wrong and not owned a single error, what does that say about you?

So here you claim to be religious and now I ask you to prove it.

1/2/2010 9:29:00 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

Over 1,000 Posts (1,022)
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Talking shit to someone who has you blocked is petty and infantile, gary.

As is making a post three pages long declaring yourself to be brilliant and wonderful.

Again, I say: Remember, you are a beautiful and unique snowflake. JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE.

1/2/2010 9:33:46 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply

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You on the other hand have done many things wrong and not owned a single error, what does that say about you?

So here you claim to be religious and now I ask you to prove it.

Aw man, Iam going to regret this, who is he talking to, purecuriousity?

[Edited 1/2/2010 9:34:01 AM PST]

1/2/2010 9:36:46 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply edit

Over 1,000 Posts (1,060)
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Thanks Trippy,

You'll see that thanks to Blogger I can save this one for my archives on the old system...

Even this new comment... I know how to save myself, I wonder if 'A' can figure it out? Here is to hoping, but if past history is anything to go on? I might be better off traveling to Mecca, maybe I need to go on a Pilgrimage? What do you think Trippy? Wanna join me? We can go together I promise to leave the cross in Telford.

P.S. I think the other direction is really where I intend to travel, I just have to get myself turned around down here. I'll give it a little time to straighten out. I have other work to do also... So this and the page before is saved irregardless of what happens in the future. I don't have to worry about this as a token of history, it is archived.

1/2/2010 9:39:21 AM The whole picture, and unbiased view flag post: (wrong forum | inappropriate) quote reply edit

Over 1,000 Posts (1,060)
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Quote from dunrich2:
Aw man, Iam going to regret this, who is he talking to, purecuriousity?

That's right Dunn,

Don't regret it, we are cool I hope...

I just extended a hand down to lift her purecurosity up all she has to do is take a hold of the helpline I offer, now that would be a miracle. At least in my eyes.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Religion out of the old religions

The purpose of this post is to create a way to organize the wide diversity between all religions under one umbrella and to look at all the good and bad to weed out the evil and unite all religions into one universal concept less the man made structures and flawed teachings that contradict common sense. A majority of people on our planet believe in a source of something that is called Spirit, or GOD (Allah) the quest is for knowledge of GOD/Spirit/Allah. Where do we find GOD/Allah/Spirit. For now we seek Source, Power, Above, Religion, Knowledge, Love, Everlasting/eternal, Spirit. (SPARKLES)

(Follow the links to find your own individual beliefs.)

What are the realms of Different Religions

Western...........|....Middle Eastern....|.........Eastern

Prayers, Wishes and Petitions

What are the sacred objects of different religions?

On line Texts

Prophecies in Religion

Do You believe that the Devil Exists?

Do You Beleive in Heaven and Hell?

Being Made in the Image of GOD

Citation Page, Citation of Sources (COS), Acknowledgements and/or, Credits

on Cults

The Rules according to the Terms of Service and Fair Use (with a Link) to Cornell Law University about Copyrights.

My Archives

Things yet to be done