Sunday, January 31, 2010

The voice of GOD to Christians

Now that they have sufficiently revealed that they can not fathom a progression to theirs or any religion, and insist that the same ole' is good for everyone then I assume that they will follow their fundamental view to their death.

Suicide is not painless emotional harm hurts as much or sometimes more than physical harm and produces physical harm. Yet they refuse to see the harm that the Christian religion causes as they call good bad and bad good.

For what am I?

Who has the power To see the progression
To be creative To structure
To reveal To stand
Truth By GOD

I asked them to show us the face of their GOD,
I asked to see the face of the Devil or Satan,

They revealed that Progressive Christians have nothing, in fact they have revealed nothing except that a sinner should die. Should I follow the beliefs of them where all sinners should die and that would violate my pure and holy nature, they prove that they know me not!

They have missed the Mark and have refused to appropriately explain the errors that exist.

The Elite are not the Children of GOD who have secured GOD's blessings. Not all of the poor are cursed by GOD. We could end poverty and this has not yet been addressed and why it is important.

How can we end poverty?

How can we hold others accountable?

What are the tools used to make sure that the truth is being told?

We do have the power to cure and heal a lot of the problems in our society, if only?

The focus should be on the teachings, those teachings that help others and lead to life for all and reflect perfect justice.

The government shall be upon their heads, because the leadership is in charge of having the responsibility to make sure that an injustice is not taking root. An injustice built upon lies.

The Church is a source of a curse,

The word of GOD is in the Bible but the Bible is not the complete inerrant word and work of GOD!

The Word of GOD exists, as we exist, we know!

Follow the Truth and be set free,

Know Love,



For Peace and Blessings,



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