Sunday, September 9, 2007

A conversation about Religion

This conversation happened according to the dates as posted here back in 2004.

The Bible is God's Word, not mine...or yours
3 Replies Posted by: Lady Marvalina on 01/07/04 at 04:30 PM
You wrote: "1st example of error.
Women must be submissive to men, taken from the account of Adam and Eve, a myth or TRUTH?"
HUh? The Creation story doesn't have anything in it that has to do with women being subservient to men. It has to do with God using a woman, and through her the man, to develope His human children into their full potential.
It is the Church man created that portrays Eve as the original bad girl of all time.

You wrote:"Second in Genesis 22:2 it reads that Abraham had one son Isaac. This is a lie in two ways. First it is incorrect because before Isaac was born Ishmael was born. The second way that this is wrong is it should be re-written to read that Abraham had two sons and he was told to take his second born son Isaac to be sacraficed. That is how the passage should read. "
Whoever wrote the book was focusing on the legitimate son, not the bastard son of a slave-woman who wouldn't be an heir.
Why not rewrite the sentence to simply include the word heir or legitimate? That'd make it just as correct as how you think the passage should read.
How does this sentence that you claim needs to be fixed relect any one trying to do evil in the world?

You wrote:"Third anything to do with numbers just doesn't add up...'
HUH??? The number is what the number is. The Bible is not an arithmetic book.

You wrote:"Fourth In the Gospel of Mark 15:47 it is written. "Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid."
The sentence is incorrect in format. The subject of the sentence is Joses and the he should reflect back to Joses where he was laid.
If you substitute the word Jesus in this sentence the sentence makes a lot more sense. Try this.
"Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus saw where he was laid."

The verse is: Mary from Magdala and Mary the mother of Joses) watched where Jesus was laid. Joses was one of Jesus' disciples. It is perfectly logical for the mother of one of Jesus disciples to be present at his burial, as there were many women followers. Nevermind that it was the women who stayed with Jesus the whole time He was dyig on the cross, so would certainly be the ones to see where he was buried.

You wrote:"It is amazing what a little english can do for reading and spotting errors in text."
God doesn't make mistakes. Humans do.

You wrote:"Fifth if you test the prophecy in the book of revelation as whether or not it is a true prophecy, it fails to be a true prophecy, the book becomes a book of warning once it failed the prophetic test."
The prophetic test being ...what?

You wrote:"Sixth All of those evil curses about punishing a family to the tenth generation and all that stuff that goes on with relationship issues is not of GOD it is between two human beings and GOD and why should the 2-10 generation be punished for the ones that committed the sin?
Evil control issues again, giving the Devil his dues."
You, a human, are trying to decide who should be punished and how? God doesn't need your help.

As for me, I'll let God's word be just what it is: God's Word, not mine.

more power to you, a help meet is a partner in life, not a serveant or a slave. Family leadership is another story.
0 Replies Posted by: jcwriter on 01/07/04 at 09:05 PM

RE: Well thank you for responding. I will give you my reply in the morning...
1 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 01/07/04 at 09:51 PM
Thank you for being patient...

Here is my Reply... I hope you find it...?>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0 Replies Posted by: A Witness on 01/09/04 at 12:24 AM
You wrote: "1st example of error.
Women must be submissive to men, taken from the account of Adam and Eve, a myth or TRUTH?"
HUh? The Creation story doesn't have anything in it that has to do with women being subservient to men. It has to do with God using a woman, and through her the man, to develope His human children into their full potential.
It is the Church man created that portrays Eve as the original bad girl of all time.

Wit Replies;
Huh? The Church is guilty and not what was written? I will buy both are guilty, and add that in all religions and nations that make women subserviant that they are following a false teaching. Agreed?

You wrote:"Second in Genesis 22:2 it reads that Abraham had one son Isaac. This is a lie in two ways. First it is incorrect because before Isaac was born Ishmael was born. The second way that this is wrong is it should be re-written to read that Abraham had two sons and he was told to take his second born son Isaac to be sacraficed. That is how the passage should read. "
Whoever wrote the book was focusing on the legitimate son, not the bastard son of a slave-woman who wouldn't be an heir.
Why not rewrite the sentence to simply include the word heir or legitimate? That'd make it just as correct as how you think the passage should read.
How does this sentence that you claim needs to be fixed relect any one trying to do evil in the world?

Wit Replies;
If Muslim-Islamic religion is the work of ALL Evil as you purport then this passage has a lot of significance to ALL people. It is a false teaching that the son, you call the illegitimate son had every right to be born to Abraham and was desired by both Sarah and Abraham and then cast out and what was the Blessing to Ishmael from Abraham's GOD as written in the Bible? Do you know? Now read that blessing, is it really a blessing or a curse? Now add to all that is written who authored the book? Male or Female? Do you see a Prejudicial Slant against another people who would later be invaded and a nation of people would move in to a land that they are told to anihalate every living thing, there is no connection here is there?

You wrote:"Third anything to do with numbers just doesn't add up...'
HUH??? The number is what the number is. The Bible is not an arithmetic book.

Wit Replies;
The numbers are inconsistant with actual Truth, lets say that a person lived many hundreds of years before dying is there any evidence of these really old bodies in the fossil record?
Many time 0s seem to be added to exagerate a particular number as though the scribe was doing a little extra doodling just for fun. Who would check the numbers when proof reading was there any proof reading and what was the exact process of transcribing text?
We could go on for a while on this point...

You wrote:"Fourth In the Gospel of Mark 15:47 it is written. "Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid."
The sentence is incorrect in format. The subject of the sentence is Joses and the he should reflect back to Joses where he was laid.
If you substitute the word Jesus in this sentence the sentence makes a lot more sense. Try this.
"Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus saw where he was laid."

The verse is: Mary from Magdala and Mary the mother of Joses) watched where Jesus was laid. Joses was one of Jesus' disciples. It is perfectly logical for the mother of one of Jesus disciples to be present at his burial, as there were many women followers. Nevermind that it was the women who stayed with Jesus the whole time He was dyig on the cross, so would certainly be the ones to see where he was buried.

Wit Replies;
Sorry that is not how the text is translated in my Bible what Bible are you using? My text is as I wrote...
To make both texts work then you would have to write...
"Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where Jesus was laid."
Then the Catholics have a leg to stand on when they talk about the many Mary's...
But that is another issue we will have to go through with a fine toothed comb to find the real truth was it a transcription mistake or a deliberate act to cause confussion as many things seem to cause confussion in the bible and I know that is not the Will or intent of GOD. So again there is more here to throw around until we come to a common ground understanding about what is real and True...

You wrote:"It is amazing what a little english can do for reading and spotting errors in text."
God doesn't make mistakes. Humans do.

Wit Replies;
I agree that humans make a lot of mistakes and that is why I don't want to do anything on my own authority but why I want many to be in agreement and to bring together all of the information that can possibly be brought to the table, Budhists and Hindus and Islamic and ALL... GOD is more important than our differences...

You wrote:"Fifth if you test the prophecy in the book of revelation as whether or not it is a true prophecy, it fails to be a true prophecy, the book becomes a book of warning once it failed the prophetic test."
The prophetic test being ...what?

Wit Replies;
The Prophetic test that is given to us in the bible is that everything a prophet says is true or comes true... The book of revelations fails to be a true prophetic book and will fail, it is a myth that Jesus will come back to earth riding on a cloud with trumpets blowing it will not happen like that the book is dead wrong!

You wrote:"Sixth All of those evil curses about punishing a family to the tenth generation and all that stuff that goes on with relationship issues is not of GOD it is between two human beings and GOD and why should the 2-10 generation be punished for the ones that committed the sin?
Evil control issues again, giving the Devil his dues."
You, a human, are trying to decide who should be punished and how? God doesn't need your help.

Wit Replies;
That is my point a pure and holy GOD doesn't inflict evil as punishment, a curse is evil... If that is true then GOD would have to punish GOD for creating Evil in the first place, Evil is the act of man or woman against another man or woman not GOD against any of us... And for our actions we need to be accountable, and Repentant...

As for me, I'll let God's word be just what it is: God's Word, not mine.

Wit Replies;
That is my point what is really GODs word or the word of other people trying to influence other people... Remove the control issues and narrow the field of law to what is real and you might find there is a better word than the one proclaimed in church on Sunday with all of the Hell removed you and I might find ourselves in a better world...

In GOD's Love
GOD Bless
GOD Bless ALL that ALL would Bless GOD

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