Thursday, April 1, 2010


TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 01, 2009; 10:27pm


What will make you believe, of things that are seen or things beyond the imagination, things of the miraculous and yet unexplainable?

Do you need proof?
Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

Sean McKenzie Oct 02, 2009; 06:40am

Re: Belief

Hi Gary,
I go with my intuition and experience now.


Denise Oct 02, 2009; 06:21pm

Re: Belief

I've been blessed with a wonderful faith and trust towards the Almighty, but these past few months have worn me down both physically and emotionally.

My daughter is a single mom with two young daughtetrs who cannot find a job (not too many to find in the states!) and now has been told her small check that she receves from the state is stopping. So, I have trusted and believed with all my heart that something (I have no attachment to whatever it is) will come to her; otherwise, she does not have the means to even keep her dwelling.

Know what's hard for me? My husband and I filed bankruptcy not too long ago so we canot help her. It's SOOOO hard. I want to trust that everything will be alright, but it is SO hard to believe that things will fall together.

Does anyone have words of wisdom for me?

Blessings, Denisse

Quiplet Oct 03, 2009; 02:48pm

Re: Belief

Depending upon her skills, she may be able to apply for a federal position, or a state/local job. Being a mother of two children, I doubt she has a lot of time for volunteerism, but that not only is good for the Spirit, it is also a great way to gain experience and network with established non-profit or for-profit businesses. And the resume shines brightly with a volunteer position listed.

Also, there are often internship jobs available for those who are willing to receive a small compensation for a greater reward down the road. At any rate, this will be a challenge. Best of Belief!

    Quiplet Oct 03, 2009; 02:57pm

    Re: Belief

    In reply to this post by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo
    I have a great imagination and have enjoyed daydreaming which has given me insight - so do I need proof? Well, my dear, that depends upon what you mean. If you are talking about psychic abilities I need no proof from you. If you are speaking of clouds turning into cotton candy, I'll need some sugar, Honey

    TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 03, 2009; 03:22pm

    Re: Belief

    Sugar and Honey,

    Your words of advice are straight on, but what more needs to be said? The economy is taking a real nose dive as the result of negative forces and this will be the beginning. There are many people who will suffer. The only way to work our way out of this problem is to become workers with the Earth, instead of against the Earth. We need to pull together and the answer is not in giving but in teaching, (for the belief that many have is that they require money to survive,) what they need is love and to work with family together as one unit. We have practiced separation instead of inclusion. Our society has failed the individuals greatly.

    There are many aspects of how our lives need others, and to think this coming from me the one shunned by family and despised by many. Yet I have won many hearts and have many friends who know that I am not about hurting people but warning and protecting people from the hurt that they will cause to their own person, family and neighbors. The result of building and putting faith into that which is false. Money is false as money has no power like that of GOD so Money while currently very powerful is a false power, the real power exists in the proper use of money for good. Beliefs in false practices also have the same power as money.

    I could expand my thoughts greatly, but this is enough to consider for now, maybe others can join in and this will be a seed thought, a catalyst or crystalline moment... ?

    Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 03, 2009; 03:30pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
Hi Denise,

I just made a comment or post including thoughts for you to ponder.

Can you see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is the light of day not a train coming through? For if you do you will find that the answer is in you and your husband working together with your children and grandchildren.

You have not given me anything to say what you are doing is right or wrong, I'm just saying that as a family unit you all have to pull together, jobs are not easy to find, this will be the trend for quite a long time as the negative energy flows and prevents our community to grow.

How do we stop the negative energy?

Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

FoxInTheSpace Oct 03, 2009; 11:34pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
I have a friend who encourages me to use the power of positive belief constantly. I do believe that it can work, but there are some things that I'm not sure it can work with. He believes that it can work for everything and it seems to for him... Anyway, when I was looking for a job during the summer he told me the story of how he turned his guitar teaching business into a successful one.

During the first few months that he started teaching hardly ANYONE called for lessons. Then he read some thing or listened to some tape on the power of positive thought and so he figured he would give it a try. During the first month not too much changed because he was just starting and he didn't completely believe it. Then he started believing that 5 new people would call for lessons every day and then that second month at least 5 people called every day for lessons (of course I'm sure he worked on advertising a bunch too), but they wouldn't sign up. So then he started believing that 5 new people would call every day AND sign up! And sure enough during that third month his schedule was completely booked and it's been that way ever since.

So I took the same approach. I figured, "why not?!" I know the power that belief has when other people believe things so why not believe and then see what happens? So I did. I didn't believe I could get a job during the summer because in august I was going on three vacations in a row and I didn't think anyone would want to hire me since I would need three weeks off immediately haha. But I believed that when I got back I would get a job. Three days after I got back I found a place that was hiring (which had been a problem the whole summer!) and then two days later I got the job. Belief that a job offer will come this week or next week could actually influence it to happen. Who knows?!

It is the times of great discomfort that can teach us the most valuable lessons. Spirit is constantly overflowing within you and all around you. Breathe deep and with awareness and you will find that you had the strength and grace to carry on all along. =)


Quiplet Oct 04, 2009; 02:24am

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by TheGreatWhiteBuffalo
Thought you might like to see this: Science of Premonition - Dr. Dossey. Link backwards on this website to many free interesting video interviews Dr. Dossey video interview about Premonitions Huffington Post

Sean McKenzie Oct 04, 2009; 07:43am

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Denise
Hi Denise,

I am trying not to think too much ...

You know, we can experience one disappointment and anxiety ridden threat after another - month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Some people have bad days but I have had bad decades. :O)

This is the thing: At some point after being traumatized again and again, we realize radical detachment. Within us is a deep and vast calm just about no matter what.

When we look at Jesus or Buddha, we see they had difficulties but some well known people make many other people feel that if they have difficulties it is because something is wrong with them or they are doing something wrong or they can do this or that and things will change.

In essence, we don't have much control if any over the government or society. We only have the chance to realize our internal goodness.

Looking at you and your husband, I see two such Beautiful people! Thank youfor allowing me to witness two very beautiful spiritual beings!


TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 04, 2009; 01:32pm

Re: Belief

I like how you put that Sean,

Just be and let the world come to you...

Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Oct 04, 2009; 01:40pm

Re: Belief

In reply to this post by Quiplet
Quiplet that is a wonderful link, I listened to a small portion of the story, and found it very revealing quite interesting and I am sad that I can't listen to the whole documentary.


Good stuff... :)
Peace and Blessings, Sincerely, Gary (Thinking of Linking, but not sure to where... )

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