Sunday, January 23, 2011

Refutation of current religions part II Early Genesis



Genesis is the Babylonian record of early history. According to Russel Gmirkin in his book Berossus Genesis, Merneptah Exodus the Israelites got their entire Genesis account from the Babylonian historian Berossus which is quite possible. Berossus was a Babylonian historian wrote his histories in 278 which fit well with the origins of Judaism.

The formation of man from clay is not Judaic; the same motif is also found in the creation of man from booth the Sumerian and Egyptian accounts. In the Sumerian account which came down to Berossus it was the Sumerian Gods Enki and Ninhursag that created man in order to alleviate the Gods from the burden of tilling the soil. During the creation the Gods celebrated, got drunk and that accounts for our flaws rather than sin.

Eden is Sumerian and means "Garden in the desert", any traveler coming in from the desert seeing the rich land by the rivers indeed do see a garden.

The tale about Eden which we have in the Bible is the tale from Enki's garden at his temple. In this garden there were youths which tilled the soil. Once the youth reached puberty there would be other things for them to do but they would no longer be eligible to work at Enki's garden. The expulsion from the garden would have been a little less dramatic than the Bible implies. The snake was of course the male and the fruit, well you get the picture.

The tale from Genesis which most adversely affected humanity was the tale of Eve.
The Sumerian original has Enki being tricked into eating some sacred trees which had been planted by Ninhursag. When the goddess learns of this she becomes furious and cast a curse on Enki and some of his body parts begin to fail.

The Gods eventually find Ninhursag who had hid so the Gods can't talk her into healing Enki. She returns and creates eight healing deities to heal the failing body parts. One of these body parts was the rib and the deity created to heal it was Nintil. Nintil is a play on words; in Sumerian it means "Lady of the Rib" as well as "She who makes live". The Hebrew Eve also means "She who makes live", but the Hebrews made her the lady of the rib in an entirely different manner than the Sumerians.

The rift between the sexes due to this aberration of tongues has cost females throughout the Christian era.

The biblical hero which was the first man great in the eyes of the Lord was Gilgamesh; the order of the kings is the same in the Babylonian retelling as it is in the Sumerian and Hebrew.

Abraham's family came from Ur which explains the great ages of the early biblical patriarchs. Ur was one of the seats of the Moon God as was Haran. Divide the ages by twelve and you find out how old these people were in years rather than months.

The confusion of tongues was also a Sumerian Babylonian motif; their tale differs from the biblical tale in that it was agreement which no longer reigned. Different languages had existed long before this time.

Next we will look at the flood.

Best ras

  1. Chiang_Mai_boy

    I, personally, like the creation myth of the Samoans. There primary and supreme god is named Tangaroa. He created the world by thinking about it.

    Thank you Chiang; that story sounds more likely to be true than the one here mentioned.

    The fact is that the Judaic God is depicted as a God which exists in the physical universe. No God which is a part of the physical universe could possibly have created it.

    Best ras

    Well the exception would be that GOD created GOD...?

    The universe and all in the universe is part of GOD. But you could have expected that kind of a comment from me... LOL...

    Yes Gary (smile).

    'God" is the great spirit and spark of Life..

    and he did create the world by thinking it.. as thinking comes before saying.. or doing..

    See how much these handed down memories of the nations have in common.. even though handed down through human hands.. and embellished..

    It's not matter that is evil.. A baseball bat is not evil because it consists of matter. When a hand takes it to slug someone.. that is evil.. This life is the lesson of good and evil.. a whole new world/tree which 'came to be' when God endowed thinking ability.

  2. TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (1495) ranked 571 out of 6,244 in religion 4 years ago
    I have made similar conclusions in the past, the one thing that I am not quite understanding is how you wrote about the Tower of Babel, they couldn't understand each other before and after, is actually more plausible as they probably came together in one place and could translate in one city or format that all could understand. At a time that division occurred the ability to work together was destroyed.

    Looking at technology today we have more or less overcome linguistic barriers... We have the power to communicate and dialogue and still we find a reason to go to war?

    Now that I don't get...

    We could resolve our differences, but we do not choose to because our leaders are to thick skinned or brain dead to figure out a solution to our global problems.

    The only problem we have today is our leaders... Along with these people that need to attend churches and worship and spread the worship of Satan...

    Was my post so unclear that you did not understand that there was no confusion of language?

    What the god Enlil saw to, was that the universal harmony among humans was altered.

    Best ras

    It's not just the politicians and leaders which bicker and devalue one an other's concerns and opinions.. and even become aggressive..

    I agree if you are saying the God who goes along with "hell" more closely resembles a satan, than the benevolent great spirit and spark of life.. "hell" is a mistranslation which blasphemes the God everyday..

    Your statement about overcoming linguistic barriers actually fits very closely with what is recorded about the confusing of the languages.. it was said "they are of one language, and what will they not be able to accomplish?" -[likely the destruction of the world! so it was greatly delayed, as this is a letting choice/free-will run its course.. It's a drama, a lesson, one unavoidable, if there are to be rational creatures..

    Certainly there was no confusion of language and your post was very clear about that... :) LOL

    You understood me and we speak the same language, there was never a communication issue...

    Imagine if GOD spoke and we wrote?

    And the reader interpretted something completly out of context.

    What a false witness that would be!

    I think we just found the anti-christ, a lack of understanding.

    Thou shall not kill...

    Go forth and multiply and take care of my creation.

    Parts of the Bible and Quaran ring true, parts contradict and are set and bound in complete hypocrisy.

    A person with the ability to think would know!

    Now who has stolen our freedom to think? Who is supressing the truth?

    I think it is the Neo Nazi Calvanist Christian Conservatives they are equal in contempt as the Islamic fundamentalists that tote weapons to threaten and intimidate.

    All organized religions are culpable for creating a culture of violence, they all work together hand in hand.

    Spirituality is an individual experience and should not be organized in any structure such as a building with walls and foundations.

    Religion takes place with in the heart and you can find your path when surrounding yourself with truly religious individuals that know a path to GOD through the creation and the creators.

    GOD the parents of religion we know them by their love.

  3. Thomas73
    I would like to comment on the 'made of clay' bit. This is to me quite puzzling, as a recent discovery -- about 10 or 15 years ago -- indicates that clay contains self-replicating templates and that these silica-based structures may have given rise to organic self-replicating molecules (possibly RNA).

    This 'life from a rock' theory rejoins the old explanation that life arose from clay, except that the intervention of a god is not necessary. That makes sense to me, but how could our forebears have known about it? Coincidence?

    Indeed Thomas; how could they have known?

    The Sumerians stated we came out of the water; the Gnostics stated our origin was apart from time/space.

    The Viking said we could get reborn, drink, frolic and get killed all over again, were they describing a reincarnation on earth?

    It does look like there are answers somewhere and what is most interesting to me is a postulate that life originated around a second generation sun. Life on a planet was advanced enough to exist independent of bodies.

    Could that be why the Egyptians in ancient times went to the stars after death?

    Best ras

  4. flowerchilde
    If you have a memory and I have a memory (of the same thing) one of us writing it down first, does not mean the second one doing so plagiarized.. These accounts are the handed down memories.. Except Moses is said to have received his memory/account as "inspired by God".

    In this case the Sumerians wrote down their legends 3500 years BC.

    The book "Berossus Genesis Merneptah Exodus" gives these two ancient historians as sources for the Jewish translations which created the first two chapters of the Bible. They booth wrote the material in the fourth century BCE.

    There is no evidence that anything in the Bible was written even that early so to say the material written 3500 BCE=the material written more than 3000 years later is absurd.


  5. xd14keilrisker
    I think that this is a proof that the Bible creation is true because many myths and legend sprang up from the same story. I think they just didn't hear the real story or its an old, old story that it miss some important details, so they made it up themselves just to say that it is true and actually happened. Do you think?

    I don't think that is quite accurate for the simple reason that the biblical rendition of the story was written down more than 3000 years after the original and the biblical rendition indicates extensive borrowings from another copy by a Babylonian who wrote in the fourth century BCE.

    You mean, the Bible authors just borrowed it from the myths and legends. But it is said that the Bible is inspired by God. What do you say to that?

    I say there is absolutely no evidence that anything in the Bible is inspired by God. For that reason and because the contradictions are so numerous I say it is obvious that the only divinity in the OT is that of the divine authors that rewrote ancient legends in their own words.

    So what's the original story?

    The original story of which part of the Old Testament?

    The original story for most of Genesis comes from Sumer but is copied from "Babylonia" by Berossus.

    Exodus is a retelling of the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt with a touch of the Stockholm syndrome. Most of Exodus is compiled from an Egyptian history book by Merneptah.

    Solomon is most assuredly the Greek King Solon; Daniel is about the Babylonian King Nabonidus. The Angels are borrowed from Zoroastrians along with a Heaven that is "up there".


    And where did you get that? Is there a proof that the OT authors just borrowed it from the names you've mentioned?

    And if you say Solomon is a greek king. Well, there are proofs that he's an Israelite, its in their history book. And Solomon is not just famous in the Middle East, he's famous in Africa too. And there are proofs to that.

    Yes there is ample proof:

    Read for example "History begins in Sumer" written about 60 years ago by Prof S.N. Kramer. Read Egypt Canaan and Israel in Ancient times by Prof Donald B. Redford.
    Read Berossus/Genesis, Merneptah Exodus by Russel Gmirkin.

    These are just some of the examples and for your information the earliest record of Israelite history goes back only to 187 BCE.

    I'll try. What is BCE anyway? I thought it's BC.

    BCE atands for Before Common Era and CE stands for Common Era. This replaces the more common BC and AD.

    I see. And who the hell invented that? Where did it come from?

    This came from historians after they knew the fact Jesus could not have been born when it said he was and they understood he never existed as depicted in the Bible.


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